Thursday, March 15, 2007

Put the needle on the record

It has been one hell of a week. Tuesday and Wednesday were 13 hour work days, with parent teacher conferences in the evening. It is exhausting to manage kids all day and parents in the evening. The upside is, I get tomorrow off as reward. Then next week is spring break. I will be napping. I can almost taste the sleep...

Today, however, was another epidural injection. I find it ironic that to begin the process I must first roll onto my side and curl into the fetal position. Then the anesthesiologist numbs my back with a topical anesthetic. This is then followed by the insertion of a long, sturdy needle through my back muscles and into the fluid space around my disc and spinal column. Then he pushes cortisone steroids into it. The feeling is a lot like boiling water moving down the muscles of my leg into my foot in a flash of pain.

Useless statement of the day: I don't like it.

It has left me shuffling stiffly around the house. I'll be able to function again tomorrow, and will know in a week whether or not this has done any good.

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