Tuesday, March 6, 2007

New job...

I am about to enter my last quarter as a teacher. I'm throwing in the towel. I surrender. It has been something that I have excelled at and pushed the boundaries of. But enough is enough. It's a tough job that gets worse as you get older.

I am still, however, completely clueless as to what comes next. More school? A new career? And where will that be? My wife has about a month left until she is Dr. Wife, PhD. Although that sounds glamourous, it is really just stressful, as she is interviewing for a select few jobs that happen to all be located on edges of the US. Currently, we are in the wheat-fed middle.

So help me out. Career advice, por favor!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I do not relish the prospects of your departure from the Lawrence area. But, like U.S. herpes infection rate among adult males, I don't have any control over the outcome.

The departure of your family from Kansas would make me said, but it will also make me happy to know that you are moving onto the next major step in your life. It would also force me to get friendly with whoever bought your home after you've gone, so I could still drive up to visit and sleep on their sofa until the police arrive.

It would make our summer reunions that much more important to me.
