Tuesday, March 27, 2007

And the winner is...

We are moving to San Antonio, Texas. The Cancer Research Therapy Center has offered Dr. Wife a great job. She will start at the beginning of May, and I will move down and join her as quickly as we can sell the house and finish teaching.

It is going to be a whirlwind couple of months. So come catch a Resistors show and drink a bye-bye beer with me.

I cannot imagine the chaos that the next few months will bring. Back surgery, ending school, finding a new career, moving to texas, buying a new home, selling a home. Crazy I tells ya, crazy.


Joshua M. Neff said...


Now we definitely must hang out with you guys before you go.

FTWinsor said...

Congratulations! May you, Doctor Wife, and the Pie find happiness and success in the Lone Star State.

And Josh is right - we must hang out before you go!

Unknown said...

zcrap! texas is so far away! but i'm happy for you, dr. wife and little pie.

btw, i have experience as a mover. you could pay me in beer to help you pack...

Marah Jean said...

You, my friend, are glorious and how I love the fact that I know you! And Texas! They have all sort of grand things -- like their own toast!

Can't wait to see you in Minnesota!

Unknown said...

Wow, I can't tell you how happy I am for you all and how excited. However I am saddened to know it will be that much harder to try to visit. Much love Colin and again- I'm so excited on the changes in your life. Congrats!! Kisses from AJ