Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Another night...

Last night's tantrum fest was hellacious. Two hours of whining and screaming pixie of evil, followed by 3 minutes of exploding, door-slapping daddy. It was not one of our high points. If that weren't bad enough, she picked up where she left off for the hour and a half I see her conscious before preschool. At least I'm not alone in this behavior. We did finish the evening with "I love you's" and "I'm sorry's". Both of us.

Thankfully, much planning, preparation, and scheming on the part of Love-and-Logic daddy, as well as an extra reading of Green Eggs and Ham, maneuvered us into a scream-free night of sleeping daughter.

Now, to quickly clean for the realtor's open house tomorrow.

Oh, did I mention I gave the girl some laxatives before putting her to sleep tonight? You see, she's afraid to poop. After 10 days of no poop, I am afraid. Very afraid.


Mama Jacque said...

Way to go Love and Logic daddy. Eventually the poop will come out. And when it does . . . Let's just hope that more than cockroaches and Twinkies survive.

You are dearly missed in San Antonio. I can't wait for you to be here with me. You'll like this city a lot. Actually, so would any of our friends. Just in case you all need a reason to visit . . .

duff said...

10 poopless days? i sincerely hope when she lets go it does not in anyway resemble a watermelon after an attack by a veg-o-matic -wielding gallagher.