Friday, December 28, 2007


4 Christmases.
4 puke sessions.
4 fevers.
Miss Neverpoop is nothing if not predictable. It wasn't a total loss, as she had enough energy to open presents and play with them. She likes to string the process out over six hours rather than tackle the gifts in one furious rip-fest. Her favorite gifts so far:

Monday, December 3, 2007

Name that tune

"I never worked a day in my life. I just laid back and let the big beat lead me."

My buddy Lush (Turgid) has earned this motto for himself. He exudes the back-of-the-beat soul that one would need to wear this on a T-shirt without having to explain it to anyone. Down to the rooster-on-a-noose tattoo on his calf, it's clear that not only does he march to his own drum, but also owns it. What time is it? According to the antique pocket watch that's resting in his hamfist, it's time to be cool.

"It's clobberin' time."
"I'll buy that for a dollar."
"Holy cow!"
"And that's the way it was."
"Don't touch that dial."
"Come on down!"
"Up, up, and away!"
"Be prepared."
"Vir Quisque Vir."
"Tune in, turn on, drop out."
"I shall return."
"Double down."

The good ones have a motto, a slogan, a guiding principle that when uttered conjures their image in the minds of those who hear. It is more than a mission statement, and more than a bumper sticker. It truly embodies their physical and emotional presence in a tiny verbal punch.
Who do you know who carries one of these? Which are your favorite famous lines for famous folks? What line would you assign to someone in your life? So here you go, reader. A challenge that might be meme-worthy:

You tell me: when I enter the room, what song plays? Or what slogan fits me in your mind.
I tell you: what song plays when you enter my room, or a slogan that I think fits.
